• Impressum and Legal Notices

    Please find below the impressum and legal notices regarding Blush Barcelona and this website.

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Kristel Nicole Lazoore, sole trader under the name BLUSH BARCELONA

Phone: -

E-Mail: info@blushbarcelona.com

VAT: ESY1771851Z

General Conditions


- Kristel Nicole Lazoore, as a sole trader, is the sole proprietor of this website and exercises the commerce of the items offered on this website under the name Blush Barcelona (from now onwards identified hereunder as Blush Barcelona).

- Blush Barcelona is the sole proprietor of the items sold on www.blushbarcelona.com and is responsible for the services provided on this website, except for all shipping and payment liabilities which fall under the responsability of the third parties offering those respective services.

- The owner of this Website is Kristel Nicole Lazoore, under the name Blush Barcelona, with CIF ESY1771851Z


- By placing an order on blushbarcelona.com you are subject to these terms and conditions in full and you give you agreement respecting the shipping and return costs..

- In order to purchase or enjoy discounts/promotions/gift cards on blushBarcelona.com, the buyer must be over 18 years of age and have the capacity to contract.

- It is mandatory to fill in all the required fields in full. When placing an order, you undertake that all details you provide to us are true and accurate. Blush Barcelona reserves the right to refuse or exclude any customer not complying with these requirements.


- To make a purchase on blushbarcelona.com, users must fill in all required fields.

- All prices shown are final prices, including the Value Added Tax (VAT) in those cases that apply. The user will at all times find detailed information about the price of the product.

- All orders require the acceptance of prices and product characteristics as detailed in its product description.

- In case a product is not available, Blush Barcelona will notify the customer as soon as possible, cancel the order and refund the amount to the customer.

- For a correct conservation of your Blush Barcelona products, you must follow the Care Information detailed on every product page.

- According to the present Terms & Conditions, any product default has to be communicated and documented with pictures to Blush Barcelona no longer than 48 hours after reception of the order.

- Please refer to the page Shipping & Return Policy for instructions, liabilities and policies regarding shipments and returns.


- Blush Barcelona is committed to show and describe the products as accurately as possible.

- Blush Barcelona denies all responsibility in case of a mistake, error or omission in said descriptions and visual representations. Photographs used to illustrate and complement the product descriptions do not belong to any contract obligations.


- All orders must be paid using a bank card (Visa or Mastercard) or via PayPal. All payment accountability falls under the responsability of the third parties offering the payment services.

- Blush Barcelona will never store card details or bank details of its users on its server.


- Blush Barcelona will use all available means to guarantee the confidentiality and security of the data transmitted through the web and on the website www.blushbarcelona.com.

The payment platform uses SSL (Secure Socket Layer) security protocols.


- Please refer to the Shipping & Return Policies for instructions, liabilities and policies regarding shipments, returns and refunds.


- Blush Barcelona is committed to transfer your order as swiftly as possible to the selected transport agency. Nevertheless, Blush Barcelona cannot be held responsible for damages/delays/loss/theft resulting from a transport malfunctioning.

- Blush Barcelona will use all available means to provide the process of selection, payment and shipment of the desired product.

- Nevertheless, Blush Barcelona declines all responsibility in case of third party causes, fortuitous circumstances and force majeure situations.


- All the information contained on the website www.blushbarcelona.com - as well as the graphic design, layout and the code used - is protected by author’s right and other protection rights contained in the Real Decreto Legislativo 1/1996 disposition, of April 12th, in which the Texto Refundido de la Ley de Propiedad Intelectual is approved.

- These rights belong solely to Blush Barcelona or its licensees and any act of reproduction, distribution, transformation or public communication, as well as any type of cession of the whole or part of the website content, is expressly forbidden.


- You can contact Blush Barcelona via the contact form available on the website.


- Blush Barcelona reserves the right to exert legal actions against the users that violate or infringe the intellectual and industrial property rights of the Blush Barcelona website (www.blushbarcelona.com).


- This Legal Notice will be interpreted and governed in accordance with the laws of Spain. Kristel Lazoore (Blush Barcelona) and the buyer are to expressly forego any other forum which may correspond to them. In case the user’s physical address is outside Spain, Kristel Lazoore and the user, submit - expressly foregoing any other forum - to the Tribunals and Courts of the offices in Barcelona.

Privacy Policy


- In accordance with the Personal Data Protection organic law 15/1999, dated December 13th, Kristel Nicole Lazoore (sole trader under the name Blush Barcelona), (herein after "Blush Barcelona") informs that all the personal data voluntarily submitted through the forms on www.blushbarcelona.com will be included in an automated file owned by Shopify/Blush Barcelona in order to fulfil the services requested by the buyer.

- These data will be given to third parties, whenever connection with said third parties is mandatory to give the buyer the service requested.

- Likewise, the buyer authorizes the use of his/her data to send information on products and services offered by Blush Barcelona that we consider may be of your interest.

- The consent of the buyer is understood as given, unless the buyer expressly revokes that consent in writing.

- The buyer may exercise his/her rights of access, amendment, cancellation and opposition, in accordance to the Personal Data Protection organic law 15 /1999, dated December 13th.

- In the same way, the buyer may request to be excluded from the electronic communication services of Blush Barcena. To exert such right, please contact us through the contact form on our website.

Terms and Conditions for the Use of the Website


- This Legal Notice regulates the general conditions of access and use of the website, accessible through www.blushbarcelona.com (henceforth, the website).

- The use of the website implies the complete acceptance, without reservations, of each and every resolution included in this Legal Notice. Therefore, the user must read the current legal notice carefully every time the website is accessed, as the terms of use are subject to modifications on the judgement of the website’s owner, or due to legal, judicial criterion or business practice changes.

- In the present General Conditions the following concepts will have the meaning here indicated. It is considered “Service” all the functions, installations, applications, information or any other service that may be obtained through the website. The word “User” refers to any person accessing or using the website, with or without authorization from Blush Barcelona.


- Blush Barcelona allows the user limited access to the website and its contents, as well as its use as a support and communication resource, only for the purposes determined on the website.

- All other uses of the website, including all uses different from the above mentioned, as well as modification, distribution, transmission and/or download of the website (excepting page caching), new publications or reverse engineering without the express permission in writing from Kristel Nicole Lazoore (Blush Barcelona), are forbidden – as long as this prohibition is not void according to applicable law.

- Authorization to access the website does not include, in an expository manner, commercial use or distribution of the website content, register of any list, description or price of products, supports or services, as well as the derivative use of the website or the website content, (including framing), the download or copy of information in benefit of other sellers, any use of data mining tools, bots or similar for the registry and extraction of data, any use of the website content in any place of the website server or computers attached to a network or the use of the website content to suggest any relation with products, support or services by or from Kristel Nicole Lazoore (Blush Barcelona).

- It is expressly forbidden to use the website in any way that contravenes the present conditions or that breaks any applicable law or similar dispositions, or that causes or could cause damage, interruption or harm to the website or its services.

- It is forbidden as well for the user to access without authorization any place of the website, other customer’s accounts or network system linked to the website, be it through hacking, mining, password or in any other way.


- Kristel NIcole Lazoore (Blush Barcelona) does not transfer any right to any website content downloaded or used by the user. The website content, including but not limited to its selection and disposition, is a property of Kristel Nicole Lazoore (Blush Barcelona), with all author rights and other rights reserved.

- The limited authorization for the use of documents from the website is expressly conditioned to the acceptance, observance and safeguard of all indications on the website content on author rights, registered trademarks, and other protected rights, as well as all protected rights and other rights of intellectual property involving blushbarcelona.com.

- Unauthorized use or coy of the website content or any use of it that contravenes present dispositions constitutes a violation of trademark rights, of intellectual property or any other protected right, as well as dispositions of civil or criminal law.

- It is forbidden to use any website content – or any document made available through the website – in a way that represents a violation of trademark rights, of intellectual property or any other protected right. Kristel Nicole Lazoore (Blush Barcelona) reserves every right to such unauthorized use or non-compliance of this conditions.


- All website content and all services are made available “as is” and “as available”, and Kristel Nicole Lazoore (Blush Barcelona) excludes in the widest possible sense according to the relevant law – all guarantees and promises of any kind (“guarantees”), may they be expressed or implied, on the website content and services, including, to name a few, concluding guarantees of saleability, satisfactory quality, suitability for a certain objective and non-violation of third-party intellectual property protected rights.

- It is established, amongst other things, the following:

* Kristel Nicole Lazoore (Blush Barcelona) makes no promise that the website is suitable in, available or ready to be accessed at any location. Whoever accesses the website and makes use of the website content and/or services is responsible for the compliance to any related law or disposition, including all applicable laws.

* Even though Kristel Nicole Lazoore (Blush Barcelona) has tried to verify the exactitude, reliability and currency of all the website content, including, to name a few and in correspondence – data on products, prices, characteristics, service, support and others, as well as descriptions received from third parties, Kristel Nicole Lazoore (Blush Barcelona) gives no guarantee whatsoever regarding the exactitude of declarations of any kind included in the website. All materials, products, support, services or information contained in the website or referred to in them may be obsolete.

* Kristel Nicole Lazoore (Blush Barcelona) declines any responsibility for mistakes or omissions in the website content that are not attributable to its responsibility and/or will (provided that such dismissal is not inconsistent with the conditions established regarding the sale of Blush Barcelona products and/or services). Any decision taken based on information included in the website content (or the user) is the user’s sole responsibility. Kristel Nicole Lazoore (Blush Barcelona) cannot guarantee that the functions or services in the website or other interactions through it will be continuously available, with no interruptions, safely and free of error, or that all errors will be corrected, or that the website or server making the website available are free of virus or other damaging components.

* Kristel Nicole Lazoore (Blush Barcelona) will not assume any responsibility for whatever damage or virus harming or invading the computer equipment or other property resulting from the user's access to the website or its use, including, among others, the download of images, software and other website content. In the case that the website contents generate some need for service, repair or correction of the user’s equipment or files, all cost will be borne by the user.

* If the exclusion of guarantees by Kristel Nicole Lazoore (Blush Barcelona) described above is forbidden according to the relevant law, Kristel Nicole Lazoore (Blush Barcelona) will effect said exclusion, restriction or limitation only up to the maximum extent admissible according to said law.


- Kristel Nicole Lazoore (Blush Barcelona) and the rest of the people and companies working on the development, manufacturing, hosting or content supply of the website will not incur in any responsibility for direct, indirect, concrete or incidental consequential damages or for a compensation including a penalty, for instance, for loss of data, non-obtained benefits, interruption of business or loss of time, or damages of any kind – among others, for damages caused for negligence or any other crime – caused by the use of the website content or the impossibility to use it, even when the possibility of said damages has been reported to Kristel Nicole Lazoore (Blush Barcelona) or any of its authorized representatives.


- It is mandatory that you apply for and obtain authorisation in writing from the website operator before setting a link to the website. So called “deep linking” is strictly forbidden. All links to the website must lead to the home page, and must make clear that the website and its content have no relation whatsoever with the website containing said link, and also that Kristel Nicole Lazoore (Blush Barcelona) is the owner and/or operator of the website. - Kristel Nicole Lazoore (Blush Barcelona) may establish hyperlinks to other websites or its resources. Acceptance of said links to the website is merely complacent and does not imply that Kristel Nicole Lazoore (Blush Barcelona) accepts the other website or any relation with its operators.

- Kristel Nicole Lazoore (Blush Barcelona) requests the user to trust their own discretion when visiting the websites and resources from Blush Barcelona or third parties. The relationship established by any user with external websites is completely at the user’s risk. Kristel Nicole Lazoore (Blush Barcelona) has not verified the thoroughness or reliability of the info on the websites or external resources linked to its site through links or containing links towards Blush Barcelona's website. Kristel Nicole Lazoore (Blush Barcelona) does not assume any responsibility for said materials. - Kristel Nicole Lazoore (Blush Barcelona) cannot be held responsible for the accuracy, fulfilment of author’s rights, legitimacy or decency of materials and information contained on the website or external resources, including any guarantee for them, be it expressed or implied.

- Kristel Nicole Lazoore (Blush Barcelona) will not assume any responsibility, direct or indirect, for any damage or harm caused or supposedly caused by the use of any content, product, support or service available in or through the website or external resources, or for the trust in them.


- With the purpose of monitoring the user’s session, the blushbarcena.com website uses session cookies when the user navigates through the website and webpages. Through these cookies the system identifies the user, and at the same time keeps his personalization, data regarding the current purchases and other data of the account of the client.

- Cookies used in the website cannot read data from your hard drive. These cookies store identity codes from the established session but not from you personally.

- The cookies used are not harmful and are only used during the user’s session.


- With the exception of a service or access submitted to abonnement fees, the user can cancel at any time his special rights to the use of the services of the website and the rest of the content of the website by deleting all content from the website that has been downloaded, as well as all copies stored or installed anywhere.

- The rights of the user to use the services of the website and the rest of the website content will cease immediately, with or without prior warning, at the sole discretion of Kristel Nicole Lazoore (Blush Barcelona) in the case that the user infringes any of the dispositions in the present conditions.

Kristel Nicole Lazoore (Blush Barcelona) reserves the right to cancel the access of the user to the website at any time without stating the cause. After a cancellation the user must stop the use of any copies of the website content in his possession and delete them.


- Kristel Nicole Lazoore (Blush Barcelona) and/or external Suppliers can at any moment with or without prior warning improve or modify the products, characteristics, support, services, programs, prices and/or the rest of the website content.


- This Legal Notice will be interpreted and governed in accordance with the laws of Spain.

- Kristel Nicole Lazoore (Blush Barcelona) and the users are to expressly forego any other forum which may correspond to them and subject themselves to the Tribunals and Courts of the offices in Barcelona.

Cookies Policy

- The blushbarcelona.com website uses cookies to facilitate the relationship between visitors and content, and to allow the elaboration of statistics on the visits the website receives.

- The cookies of the blushbarcelona.com website are used to collect information about how a visitor interact with the website and allows to remember you.

- This information is used to improve and customize the visitor's browsing experience and for analytics and metrics about the visitors of the website - both on this website and other media.

- In compliance with Directive 2009/136/CE, developed in our set of laws in section 2, art. 22 in the Law on Information Society Services, following the guidelines approved by the Spanish Data Protection Agency, we proceed to inform you in detail about its use in our website.

- Cookies are small files of data recorded in the browser used by our website visitors, so the server records the visit of that user later when they re-access our content.

- This information doesn’t reveal their identity, personal data, nor access to the content stored in their computer, but it allows our system to identify the user as a specific user that visited our website previously, viewed specific pages, etc. It also allows us to record your personal preferences and technical information, like the number of visits or the exact pages visited.

- The aim of the cookies is to provide faster access and ease for the User with the chosen Services.

- If you don’t want cookies to be recorded in your browser or you would rather receive information every time a cookie requires installation, you can set your navigation options to make it work that way. Most browsers allow the management of cookies in 3 different ways:

. Always reject all cookies;
. Browser asks the user to install cookies;
. Always accept cookies.

- Your browser can also include the possibility of choosing in detail which cookies you want installed on your computer. Specifically, the user will be able to accept any of the following options:

. Reject cookies from certain domains;
. Reject cookies from third parties;
. Accept cookies as no persistent (will be eliminated when the browser is closed);
. Allow the server to create cookies for a different domain.

- It is possible to allow, know, block or eliminate the cookies installed on your computer by using the option setting for the browser installed on your computer.

- You can find more information on how to set up the most widely used browsers as follows:

Internet Explorer: Settings -> Internet Options -> Privacy -> Configuration. For more information, please consult Microsoft support or Browser help.
Firefox: Settings -> Options -> Privacy -> History -> Custom configuration. For more information, please consult Mozilla support or Browser help.
Chrome: Settings -> Show advanced options -> Privacy -> Content settings. For more information, please consult Google support or Browser help.
Safari: Preferences -> Security. For more information, please consult Apple support or Browser help.

- Blush Barcelona never saves the personal data of the users, except the IP address according to what is described above, unless you wish to register yourself in order to make purchases of products or receive information about promotions and interesting content.

- When browsing and continuing on our website, you indicate that you are consenting to the use made of these cookies and the conditions contained in this Cookies Policy.